Whitepaper Operating Model Canvas


Thank you for downloading our whitepaper Operating Model Canvas. Here you can find the corresponding figures that are mentioned in the whitepaper. After all: a picture is worth a thousand words.

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1. NGO

Example of an OMC for a fictional non-governmental organization (NGO).


2. Housing Corporation

The OMC of a housing corporation.


3. Housing Corporation with multimodality characteristics

The OMC of a housing corporation with multimodality characteristics.


4. Construction & Infrastructure

The OMC of an organization in the construction & infrastructure industry.


5. Construction & Infrastructure with functional domains

The OMC of an organization in the construction & infrastructure industry with functional domains.

Anderson MacGyver

The core purpose of Anderson MacGyver is to harness the unrealized business value for our clients by leveraging the powerful potential of technology & data. We provide strategic advice and guidance to board members and senior management to shape and drive their digital journey.