Data to Value

Anderson MacGyver works with the people in your organization to define the business value of data, embed your data vision in your business strategy, define your data to value roadmap and organize your data capabilities.

The value of data

Data can change your customer interaction, streamline your business processes, improve your business control and enhance your product and service offering. As long as you embed it in your business strategy and properly organize it.

Define and embed your data vision

Discover the value of data for your organization, embed your data vision in your strategy and define your roadmap

At Anderson MacGyver, we believe that all digital, and therefore data, initiatives should evolve around creation of business impact. We help you to define a data vision that is based on your business strategy. Together with the people in your organization we discover the value of data for your organization and establish how data enables your business & digital strategy.

Once we understand the impact of data on your business, we can prioritize your data value opportunities and establish which data capabilities are required to be able to pursue these opportunities. We then transform these insights to a data to value roadmap so your data driven journey becomes actionable.

Anderson MacGyver uses the multimodal approach to validate and ensure that your approach to data fits the nature of your business activities. We strongly focus on achieving a common understanding and endorsement from all stakeholders through interactive workshops.

Organizing your data capabilities

Organize all data capabilities that are required for the continuous and secure delivery of business impact with data

Anderson MacGyver helps you to design and implement your data capabilities. We use a data capability framework that makes a distinction between two sets of capabilities:

  • Data foundation capabilities
  • Data value delivery capabilities

The Anderson MacGyver data capability framework helps you to focus and find the right balance between these two types of data capabilities.

Data foundation capabilities are required to ensure that the backbone of your data strategy is in place. With this backbone your organization is fit to deliver long term value in a compliant, sustainable and robust manner. Data foundation capabilities are typically not top of mind from a business and executive perspective. But, not sufficiently addressing them will sooner or later limit your ability to deliver value with data. It could even put your business at risk through utilization of inaccurate data or from a regulatory compliance perspective.

Key examples of data foundation capabilities are:

  • Data architecture
  • Data quality
  • Data security, privacy & ethics

Data value delivery capabilities are required to actually discover, develop and implement impactful data products. The ability to form effective multidisciplinary teams that span business, technology and science is crucial in ensuring that data products are used and impactful.

Key examples of data value delivery capabilities are:

  • Business consulting & analytics translation
  • Business intelligence
  • Advanced analytics
  • Data science

Data to value journeys often require changes to the design of an organization. As part of organizing your data capability, Anderson MacGyver designs and implements your multimodal data organization. This includes topics such as:

  • Organization structure
  • Governance structures
  • Data roles definition
  • Way of working
  • Implementation including management of change and workers council process

Technology is a crucial enabling capability for your data vision. Selecting and contracting technology vendors is quite a puzzle in today’s dynamic and complex marketplace. We also face a scarcity of talent which could slow down your data to value journey. This makes data capability sourcing an important element of your data to value journey. Anderson MacGyver provides data industry knowledge and fit-for-purpose sourcing expertise to optimize your data capability sourcing. We work with you to define your sourcing strategy and to select and contract the most beneficial suppliers and partners for your data to value journey.

Anderson MacGyver

The core purpose of Anderson MacGyver is to harness the unrealized business value for our clients by leveraging the powerful potential of technology & data. We provide strategic advice and guidance to board members and senior management to shape and drive their digital journey.