“If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative.”


Tomas van Woerkom

Management Consultant

Tomas his analytic and creative skills enable him to view complex processes and business issues in a structured way. By considering various approaches and taking relevant environmental influences into account, he obtains an optimal solution for each situation either supporting other people or improving on the status quo. Driven by curiosity and focusing on the results to be achieved he completes his assignments successfully.

Being an energetic innovation manager by origin, Tomas truly understands the importance of technology and its utilisation in business and society. He is convinced the right usage of technology will improve the living standard.

Get in touch with Tomas van Woerkom

+31 6 486 568 05 tomas.vanwoerkom@andersonmacgyver.com Linkedin

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